After the huge success of Vishwaroop the actor Mr Kamal Haasan is back with the much awaited and larger than life sequel of the film, Vishwaroop 2. The film, directed and produced by Mr Haasan, is a bilingual and has been shot in Tamil and Hindi. It is also dubbed in Telugu. The Hindi version of the film will be presented by Mr Rohit Shetty and Reliance Entertainment. We can witness the sneakpeak of the magnum opus in its trailer which will be out on 11th June 2018 and will be given a grand digital launch by superstar Mr Aamir Khan at 5 PM.
Vishwaroop was a huge success worldwide and in the sequel as well we will see Mr Haasan donning the cap of the lead actor as well. The film also stars Shekhar Kapur, Waheeda Rehman, Rahul Bose, Pooja Kumar, Andrea Jeremiah, Jaideep Ahlawat, Nasser, Anant Mahadevan, Yusuf Hussain and Rajendra Gupta. The music of the film has been composed by Ghibran and the lyrics have been written by Prasoon Joshi and Sandeep Srivatsa.
On being a part of Vishwaroop 2 Filmmaker Mr Rohit Shetty shares, `I am extremely excited to be presenting Vishwaroop 2 in Hindi. It's a matter of pride to work with our very own legend Mr Kamal Haasan.`
COO of Reliance Entertainment Mr Shibasish Sarkar says, `It's an honour to be a part of Mr Kamal Haasan's film and representing it in the Hindi Cinema is a great feeling. We at Reliance also want to get audience friendly content to the movie theatres and this definitely is one such movie. We are looking forward to this extremely gripping concept.`
Actor, Director and Producer Mr Kamal Haasan shares, `I am extremely happy that we are coming out with the trailer of Vishwaroop 2. I have to thank you all for the patience you have had for this sequel and the constant love and support has not gone unnoticed. This film is very close to me and everyone who is a part of this film has worked very hard. I welcome Mr Rohit Shetty and Reliance Entertainment as the Presenters of Vishwaroop 2. It is the faith of the people in our work that makes us stronger. I hope you all like what we have made with love and passion for you all.`
The film is slated to release this year and the date of the release will be announced with the trailer launch. The Telugu version of the trailer will be launched by Mr NTR Jr and the Tamil version will be launched by Ms Shruti Haasan digitally.
Saturday, June 09, 2018 12:47 IST