Salman Khan's upcoming production, the Abhiraj Minawala-directed Loveratri that marks Aayush Sharma's acting debut opposite Warina Hussain, is jumping on the remix bandwagon.
The film, which is based on the nine days of Navratri with a love story at its center, will see its leads dance to a recreated version of the Gujarati folk song "He Ranglo". The track has been choreographed by Vaibhavi Merchant and composed by Lijo George and DJ Chetas. Dandiya Queen Falguni Pathak has done a version of the song too earlier.
The idea to recreate the song came from director Abhiraj and Salman. "We required a song that had a strong connect to Gujarati culture. And since we've mostly seen everything related to the state in a caricaturish way in films, we wanted to highlight its strong points. Our music supervisor got in touch with Chetas and Lijo and they came up with a song in just half an hour," Abhiraj told Mirror.
The filmmaker further reveals that the film's entire cast is seen dancing to the song that showcases the power of love and Garba. "It was shot in the streets of London and my brief to Vaibhavi was to recreate Gujarat there. We needed to make sure we respect the original song but at the same time, we have brought in a certain freshness by picturizing it with new faces and keeping this version young and light on the ears," he signed off.
Loveratri revolves around the love story between Aayush Sharma and Warina Hussain.
To get into the skin of their character, Aayush and Warina indulged in hardcore practice sessions for Garba. Shot in London and outskirts of Gujarat, the film is directed by Abhiraj Minawala who will also be making his directorial debut with the film.
'Loveratri' is written by Naren Bhatt who is based out of Mumbai and was born in Bhavnagar.
Directed by Abhiraj Minawala, Loveratri is produced by Salman Khan under the banner of Salman Khan Films is slated to release on 5th October, 2018.
Thursday, June 14, 2018 14:16 IST