Comedian Krushna, who is known for his comic timing, has giving title for his upcoming film, 'Teri Bhabhi Hai Pagle.'
When asked director Vinod Tiwari about it, he says, "Title of this film was something else. When i read the script to Krushna, he said its a comedy film and it should have a unique title and according to the script he suggested 'Teri Bhabhi Hai Pagle' as title of the film and we agreed on it. Credit for title of my film goes Krushna."
The film stars Krushna Abhishek, Rajniesh Duggall, Nazia Hussain, Mukul Dev, Deepshika Nagpal, Khayali Ram, Sunil Pal, Nancy Marwah and Aman Verma and is directed by Vinod Tiwari, presented by Nostrum Entertainment, produced by Raj Nostrum, Haresh Kumar Nor and Vinod Tiwari and will release on 13th July, 2018.
Thursday, June 21, 2018 13:30 IST