Bollywood actress Urvashi Rautela, is all set to walk the ramp as the grand finale showstopper at the upcoming International Indian Film Academy (IIFA) celebrations.
Confirming the news, Urvashi said, "I thank IIFA for this opportunity. I am really looking forward to visiting Thailand and being a part of the IIFA celebrations. I am privileged to be a part of our film fraternity, which has been so generous and always showing so much of love and warmth to me. I'm really looking forward to visit Thailand again and have a great time with all my bollywood friends and family. I am hoping to study Buddhism, meditating, going to Buddhist monasteries, talking to Buddhist monks, and the civilians there also can't wait for my fav thai tastes always surprising me with amazeball delicacies."
Urvashi will be sporting an outfit, specifically designed to suit her taste and style.
The four-day film extravaganza will commence on June 21 and conclude on June 24 and will include many B'town celebrities including Ranbir Kapoor, Shahid Kapoor and Karan Johar amongst others.
Friday, June 22, 2018 13:35 IST