Ever-since the launch of its trailer, Shaad Ali's much awaited biopic Soorma starring the versatile actor Diljit Dosanjh, playing the lead alongside Tapsee Pannu has already created a stir amongst the netizens! Based on a life story of the Indian Hockey Captain Sandeep Singh, the journey highlights incidents and hardships worth witnessing. While prepping up for the role, Diljit pushed his limits to get into the skin of the character and one can't agree to it anymore! The preparation included a whole new set of day-to-day regime that the actor followed to match up with that of an athlete.
5 things you must know what Diljit Dosanjh did to get into the skin of Sandeep Singh's character for Soorma;
1. Early to bed and early to rise
To mould himself into the character, Diljit changed his sleeping habits and adapted a player's regime. He used to wake up early in the morning, go out for field rounds accompanied by a hardcore cardio sessions. He even made sure his day ended early in order to get enough rest.
2. It's all about Hockey
Diljit went for frequent Hockey practices to learn about the sport in length. He also got trained by the real Soorma, Sandeep himself, who taught him his signature move for enhancing Diljit's character in the film.
3. Have close acquaintance with Sandeep Singh
Even after a long typed narration, Diljit chose to meet Sandeep's family and close friends. He also learned about Sandeep's habits and preferences and the way he used to conduct himself in order to know him better. He made all sorts of efforts to get into the persona of the 'Man' himself.
4. Pushing his limits
Diljit had pushed himself to extremes to achieve the physique of an athlete for Soorma. He used to undergo hardcore training sessions regularly for about half a day. He imbibed in the lifestyle and work-style of an athlete and we must say that the physical transformation is worth a cheer.
5. Followed a balance diet
Last but certainly not the least, Diljit took extra care of his health and diet. Coming from a Punjabi culture, Diljit was used to consuming heavy and solid diet. Whereas, for the character he had to shift his daily food habits to more of a balanced and nutritional diet.
We all know how brilliant and hardworking an actor Dijit Dosanjh is, we surely expect a great story coming our way with Soorma!
The film is also a debut venture of beautiful actress Chitrangda Singh along with the partner Deepak Singh as the producers, they teamed up with Sony Pictures Productions to make this project a successful endeavor. It is slated to release on 13th July, 2018.
Tuesday, June 26, 2018 13:24 IST