Gearing up for the release of his upcoming movie 'Gold', produced by Excel Entertainment, Akshay Kumar will be flying down to India for one day for a special event of the Movie scheduled on 6th July. The Khiladi of Bollywood who's on his annual holiday with his wife and kids in USA is completely dedicated to his films and goes all the way when it comes to promoting the film.
The recently released trailer of Independence Day bonanza, Gold received a roaring response with more than 35 million views in less than 4 days.
There's a special event being planned by the makers giving a closer insight into the music and storyline of the movie. Akshay who's currently away from the country was graceful enough to make a special sojourn to the bay just for one day so that he's part of the event with the entire cast and crew. Akshay will come on 6th and fly back to USA on 7th July.
The high on patriotism story of Gold has struck a chord with the audience, with the trailer breaking the internet upon its release. Filling the masses with immense pride for the nation, the trailer showcases the dream of Tapan Das played by Akshay Kumar to win Gold for free India for the first time. Uniting the nation with one dream, the trailer captures the patriotic sense of the film, hailing it to be the perfect Independence day release.
'Gold' not only marks the first ever association between Akshay Kumar and Excel Entertainment led by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar but also is the debut of TV sensation Mouni Roy.
Starring Akshay Kumar, Mouni Roy, Kunal Kapoor, Amit Sadh, Vineet Singh and Sunny Kaushal, Gold promises power packed performances by an ensemble cast.
Gold is produced by Ritesh Sidhwani and Farhan Akhtar, helmed by Reema Kagti and is all set to release on the 15th August 2018.
Saturday, June 30, 2018 17:29 IST