Filmmaker Sooraj Barjatya on Thursday said, his film 'Vivah' faces no threat from the upcoming Yashraj
Pictures production Dhoom 2.
"When I started the screenplay of the film, some of the journalist friends and others told me that this kind of
movie will never run at the box office well. In the present scenario cinema lovers don't want a Ramayana
kind of family story," he said here at a press conference along with actress Amrita Rao.
"But, I was confident enough as cinema lovers in India are the most intelligent and they still love watching
family values, customs and traditions on silver screen," Barjatya, who is known for making movies based on
marriages and Indian values, said.
Overwhelmed with the success of his film, he said "It is simple movie with a one line story that is a journey
of a couple from their engagement to marriage".
Despite the fact that filmmakers these days think that in a movie there is a requirement to have foreign
locales, "we just had Nainital as the only outdoor locales," Barjatya, who made his debut with blockbuster
'Maine Pyar Kiya', said.
On the inspiration for 'Vivah', he said it is based on a real life story which my father read in a newspaper.
The story was about a young boy who married a girl in a hospital where she was admitted due to heavy
burn injuries.
Friday, November 24, 2006 13:29 IST