Ranbir Kapoor starrer Bollywood film 'Sanju' which was released on Friday is on record shattering spree. After emerging as the highest first-day grosser, the film has shattered some more collection records.
'Sanju' emerges as the highest opening weekend of 2018. On its opening day 'Sanju' collected ₹ 34.75 cr, then on Saturday, it collected ₹ 38.60 cr. and then on Sunday, it collected ₹ 46.71 cr. which makes its total to ₹ 120.06 cr.
The film also surpassed the 3 days weekend business of Race 3, Padmaavat and Tiger Zinda Hai.
The film has also dethroned Baahubali: The Conclusion for highest single day collection on Box-Office. Baahubali: The Conclusion had collected ₹ 46.50 cr on its third day of the release, now Sanju has collected ₹ 46.71 cr on its 3rd day and has established itself on top of all these big films.
Sanju has been garnering immense love and appreciation from audience across the global.
Rajkumar Hirani's cinematic excellence to make a film on Sanjay Dutt's colourful life journey has got the film humongous response also marking to be Rajkumar Hirani's highest too.
Now with no big release this weekend, it is expected that Sanju will continue its record-shattering spree and will create many more records.
Monday, July 02, 2018 13:33 IST