Ekta Kapoor is upping her game with every film that she takes up. The producer and director has now become the only female producer to make three very distinct women entertainers: Veere Di Wedding, The Dirty Picture and Lipstick under my Burkha.
Even though the films are women-centric, all the three films are very different from other female-led hits like Neerja or Raazi.
Touted as content czarina, Ekta Kapoor is undoubtedly the only female producer who has carved her niche in the industry with utmost excellence.
Ekta has set a benchmark when it comes to daily soaps. The filmmaker has not just treated the audience with Television contents but has also ventured into films and digital industry.
Her latest domain being the Digital platform, Ekta has tailor-made content for the online audience. She has her own digital video streaming service where she brings in content for the younger generation who doesn't watch television more and like watching content on their phones more.
Ekta has been in the industry since she was only 19 years old and has achieved a milestone by herself.
Thursday, July 19, 2018 13:29 IST