Priyanka Chopra is back in Bollywood with a bang! Priyanka Chopra, Farhan Akhtar and Secret Superstar sensation Zaira Wasim will be coming together for National Award winning filmmaker Shonali Bose's next directorial to be jointly produced by Siddharth Roy Kapur and Ronnie Screwvala, under their banners Roy Kapur Films and RSVP. Prep and script readings have been on in full swing for this stellar star cast. The film is based on an inspiring true life story. The shoot will start in Mumbai on August 8th.
This will be Priyanka Chopra's first Hindi film to go on the floors in India after she was seen in Bajirao Mastani almost 3 years ago!
The film marks Priyanka Chopra's 5th association with Roy Kapur and Screwvala. In the past they have collaborated on some
landmark films like Fashion, Kaminey and Barfi.
The dialogues of the film will be written by National Award Winning writer Juhi Chaturvedi and Music is to be scored by Pritam.
Monday, July 23, 2018 13:45 IST