Actor Yuvraj Singh who made his Bollywood debut opposite Sunny Leone in the movie 'Beimaan Love' turns into a producer for Punjabi movie 'Qismat'. Yuvraj has high hopes from the movie and says, `I read the script and was really intrigued. It's not an ordinary love story. The film takes you on an emotional rollercoaster and I believe the audience will be able to connect with the movie deeply`. The young actor turned producer says that it's his first time at producing a movie and he wanted it to be for a regional film. The movie is directed by Jagdeep Sidhu who is a prominent screenwriter in the Punjabi film industry.
Yuvraj is at the peak of his career with his upcoming movie 'Sugar Free' in which he's seen sharing screen space with actress Zoya Afroz, and another movie 'Stephen King: I'm your Number 1 Fan', in which he'll be playing the lead role. When asked about his future projects, the good-looking actor said that he's working on a couple of things currently and will keep us in the loop. We wish him all the very best in all his future endeavors and can't wait for the release of 'Qismat' which is said to be released on the 21st of September.
Tuesday, July 24, 2018 11:18 IST