Bollywood actress Rani Mukherjee turned stunt rider without intending to while learning to ride a motorbike for a new film.
Mukherjee's co-star, Salman Khan, who was teaching her how to ride a bike for a scene in "Babul,'' said the actress failed to listen to his advice. She released the clutch
too quickly and pressed the accelerator, he said.
"The bike jumped a few meters high, and landed hard on the ground,'' Khan told a newspaper. "I have never seen anything like that in my life before.''
Mukherjee and the bike escaped without scratches.
The crew however was more concerned about the state of the bike, said Khan.
"It was a 10-year-old bike and was owned by a British guy, and he was extremely possessive of his bike,'' Khan said.
After the crash, Khan said, "We forgot about Rani and everyone on the set was looking at the British guy for his reaction.''
But Mukherjee's impromptu stunt startled even the bike's owner. Khan recalls the man laughed and said, "'Mr. Khan, I would sacrifice 10 bikes to see action like that!'"
In the upcoming film "Babul," Mukherjee stars alongside Bollywood veteran Amitabh Bachchan, who plays a father-in-law determined to marry her off after the death of her
husband, played by Khan.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006 14:09 IST