Bollywood actress Priyanka Chopra says she is focussed on building on a recent string of blockbuster
A former Miss World, Chopra played the female lead in this year's hits "Krrish'' and "Don.'' She says she
still has a lot to prove after three years in the movie industry.
It was a continuous exercise to convince filmmakers "that putting money on me would mean returns,'' she
said in an interview published in the December issue of Cine Blitz movie magazine.
"I have to master the art of delivering what's expected of me. What's expected of me is professionalism,''
she said. "What's expected of me is good box office results.''
Chopra says instinct has always guided her and if a movie fails, she has no regrets.
"If my gut feeling says I should do a particular film, I do it,'' she said. "If something doesn't go well, it
Wednesday, November 29, 2006 15:42 IST