With an amazing release at the box office 'Mulk' has caught the eyeballs with the breathtaking content. Aisha Faizan and Saeed Akhtar, who support content driven cinema planned to organize a private screening today in the presence of Director Anubhav Sinha and Tapsee Pannu. Addressing the audience Anubhav Sinha said `I have received appreciations saying that I have made a brave film and I think saying anything today turns out to be a brave move in our society.` Adding to Anubhav Sinha, Tapsee said, `We have said a lot in the film and would love to see your reactions.`
We wish to see more people like Aisha and Saeed who believe in the hard work of filmmaking and support content like Anubhav Sinha's 'Mulk'.
Saturday, August 04, 2018 14:15 IST