HOOQ, Asia's premium video on demand service, today announced the addition of comedy drama cult favourite, Younger, starring two-time Tony® winner Sutton Foster, Hilary Duff, Debi Mazar, Miriam Shor, Nico Tortorella, Peter Hermann, Molly Bernard and Charles Michael Davis. With all existing seasons of the popular series available on HOOQ from 5th August onwards, die-hard fans of producer Darren Star, creator of Sex In The City, can look forward to yet another highly addictive show with a contemporary twist.
From "Sex and the City" creator Darren Star and starring two-time Tony® winner Sutton Foster, Hilary Duff, Debi Mazar, Miriam Shor, Nico Tortorella, Peter Hermann, Molly Bernard and Charles Michael Davis, "Younger" follows Liza, a woman who lies about her age at her job in the highly competitive world of publishing. As Liza's personal and professional lives have become irreversibly intertwined over time, keeping the secret proves more and more difficult.
Younger is based on a novel by the same name, centres around the life of a 40-year-old single mother Liza (Foster). Having gone through a terrible divorce with her gambling addict ex-husband, Liza is left with no money, no house and is in desperate need of a job to pay for her daughter's tuition. This could have been a predictable story highlighting the harsh realities of restarting her career in her 40s except Liza does the impossible and passes herself off as a 26 year-old Millenial to land a job at a publishing house. What inspired this dangerously brilliant idea was a random 20-something tattoo artist, who hits on her at the bar and convinced her that she looks much younger than she is. How long can Liza keep her little white lie a secret and what happens to Liza and the tattoo artist? Catch this feel-good number and follow the series to see how Liza's story unfolds!
Zulfiqar Khan, Managing Director of HOOQ India commented, "We are thrilled to add Younger to our slate of exclusive Hollywood TV series on HOOQ. Riding on the back of positive reviews and with an impressive cast to boost, I am confident that our audience will get HOOQ'd on this fresh, funny and relatable series!"
Subscribers will now be able to binge watch all episodes of Season 1 starting August 5, with subsequent seasons (Season 2 - 4) released on a weekly basis. Viewers can also look forward for Season 5 to be on HOOQ after its US release later this year.
Thursday, August 09, 2018 13:53 IST