Veteran Bollywood actor Rishi Kapoor who has gone to the United States of America. The actor informed his fans on social media that he is going to USA for checkup and soon after that reports about him having cancer went viral.
Rishi Kapoor is reportedly accompanied by wife Neetu and son Ranbir. They also missed the funeral of Krishna Raj Kapoor, who died on Monday, a couple of days after the family left for USA. Krishna Raj Kapoor, wife of Raj Kapoor, died of a cardiac arrest. Randhir Kapoor, their eldest son, performed the rituals.
On the other hand Rishi's brother Randhir Kapoor rubbishes all the rumours. Randhir Kapoor told PTI, "This is all rumour. He is at the moment fine. As he is in great pain, he will be undergoing tests tomorrow. He did discuss it with us regarding his health."
Rishi Kapoor was last seen in Mulk and his next film is Rajma Chawal.
Thursday, October 04, 2018 17:17 IST