While uncle Sanjay Kapoor, plays Father to Sonam K Ahuja in Abhishek Sharma's The Zoya Factor , she shares screen Space with father Anil Kapoor in Ek Ladki Ko Dekha Toh Aisa Laga. Working with both uncle and father Sonam feels Uncle Sanjay Kapoor is more Chilled on the sets than Father Anil Kapoor.
Sanjay Kapoor also feels Sonam is more comfortable around him. He says, "The atmosphere on the sets of The Zoya Factor is chilled out. So, Sonam feels a lot more relaxed. Plus, the character is similar to her real persona. This is the first time I'm shooting with a family member; I just had a cameo in Mubarakan (2017) where I played Arjun Kapoor's father. Sonam and I have never had the chance to spend quality time like this. As we are working together, we meet every day, discuss a lot of things and are getting to know each other."
Thursday, October 11, 2018 15:12 IST