Bollywood's leading lady Deepika Padukone graced the digital cover of GQ India as she was honoured with the prestigious 'Creative Personality Of The Year Award' for her remarkable performance in the year's magnum opus Padmaavat.
Receiving immense accolades and appreciation for her outstanding performance as the Rajputani Queen Padmavati, Deepika Padukone mesmerized the audience with her flawless beauty and astounding performance.
Hailing the astonishing performance of the actress, GQ India awarded Deepika Padukone with the honour.
Sharing the Digital cover, GQ posted saying, An actor par excellence and a consummate #humanitarian, our Creative Personality @deepikapadukone mainstreamed the conversation around mental health issues like depression. Her work is marked by the same candour and even when controversy strikes, her resilience is admirable. She has played multiple double roles, because she's an actor so beautiful, it only makes sense that she be cast opposite herself! You'll find @deepikapadukone in this month's issue, out NOW".
The actress dressed to kill in a sheer white shirt with balloon sleeves and a black high waist leather pant, teamed with hair tied in a messy bun, dewy makeup and black pumps completing her look.
The ever-stylish diva slayed the red carpet as she made heads turn at the awards night. Earlier, the actress mesmerized the world with her bold and rocking style statement at MET Gala and Cannes apart from her international magazine covers like TINGS London. Deepika Padukone also featured in the TIMES 100 most influential list and also raised a toast for the same.
One of the most followed women not only in India but also in Asia. Deepika Padukone commands the love from her fans across the globe.
Termed as the Queen of 100 crores club, Deepika Padukone holds the most number of 7 100 crores films, while her recent outing Padmavat clocking 300 crores at the box office. With this Deepika was titled the first actress to have entered the 300 crore club with a woman led film.
Deepika commands the title of being of being the most commercially viable actress in the industry, in addition to being the highest paid actress.
Friday, October 12, 2018 15:30 IST