Pankaj Tripathi has been on a swing of appreciation with an array of blockbusters that he's been delivering in quite a while now. The actor was last seen in the Hindi comedy-drama Stree creating marvels with his on-point comic timing. With the year-end approaching, Amazon Prime Video is all set to unleash its Prime Original Series, Mirzapur this year and we can't wait to watch the actor re-arriving with yet another master-work as 'Kaleen Bhaiya'.
We have hand-picked top 5 characters of the actor which will truly convince you to watch the show this November-
1. Remember Sultan Qureshi- the faceless and fierce dacoit from the Gangs of Wasseypur? With his breakthrough in 2012, Pankaj Tripathi strikingly enacted his on-screen avatar in the much-appreciated Hindi crime-drama. He was both, shrewd and evil and manipulative enough to join hands with his competitors to ally against their common enemy.
2. Next on our list is the Sadhya Ji from Neeraj Gheywan's Masaan. Pankaj Tripathi impresses the audience with his subtle presence in the film which surely couldn't be overlooked. He epitomizes his on-screen avatar beautifully with his dialogues- full of humor and wit you would ever want to miss.
3. Adding another Golden feather to his cap, Pankaj Tripathi won a Special Mention for his character Aatma Singh in the much-acclaimed film, Newton. He is known for being simple yet marking his presence every time he arrives on the screen. Aatma Singh's character in the film is of a leader/support system who backs Rajkumar Rao in his times most vulnerable.
4. Narottam Mishra aka 'Bitty's father' aka Pankaj Tripathi is more noteworthy a reason to watch 'Bareilly Ki Barfi' all over again. The actor's portrayal in the film looks promising and will leave you in his awe everytime you watch it.
5. Rudra Bhaiya from his latest addition 'Stree' has certainly benchmarked his performance yet again. Pankaj Tripathi never fails to make us burst in laughter the murky, witty and weird 'Rudra Bhaiya' is a proof of it.
We're sure that Pankaj Tripathi as Kaleen Bhaiya in Mirzapur will sway us with his on-screen magic yet again in a completely different and menacing avatar, and we can't wait to watch the Prime Original Series this November.
Thursday, November 01, 2018 12:56 IST