India's biggest music label and one of the leading production house, T-Series, has decided to take legal action against Kamal Anand for wanting to make a documentary on their founder and mentor, Shri Gulshan Kumar. As per reports doing the rounds, Kamal Anand recently made an announcement about making a documentary on music baron, Shri Gulshan Kumar. T-Series has categorically stated that Kamal Anand is not authorized by them to do so nor has he approached the company or its owners for their consent. Leading to this, the company has decided to take a legal route on the matter.
According to a spokesperson from the company, T-Series is not taking this announcement lightly and has decided to send out a legal notice to Kamal Anand to stop them from going ahead. Shri Gulshan Kumar's son and the present Chairman and Managing Director of T-Series, Mr. Bhushan Kumar, has already announced the making of a biopic on his father titled 'Mogul'
Monday, November 19, 2018 11:11 IST