Actor Manav Kaul will be playing the titular role in ALTBalaji's upcoming web show, The Verdict - State v/s Nanavati, which is based on the true story of Commander K M Nanavati vs State of Maharashtra case that grabbed headlines in 1959.
After successfully playing the Colonel in Ghoul the actor will be seen playing the role of a Naval Officer in the show.
When asked him about it, he said, "I wouldn't call it a challenge; it's exciting as there are several other talented people who are part of the project. It's too much fun."
On 27th April, 1959, a dashing Parsi Naval Officer pumped three bullets from his revolver into a rich Sindhi businessman and then went and confessed his brutal crime to the Police.
The infamous story of K.M. Nanavati Vs. State of Maharashtra is still one of the most sensational criminal cases in India. ALTBalaji is all set to present this trial case in an upcoming drama web series titled, The Verdict - 'State Vs Nanavati', where ace actor Angad Bedi will portray lawyer Karl Khandalvala. This 10-episode series will be directed by Shashant Shah.
Despite six decades, the story of the trial which revolved around infidelity, cold-blooded murder and patriotism still grabs people's attention. This 10-episode courtroom drama will be based on public records, newspaper articles of the time, interviews with people who have knowledge of the case. While the result of the trial is now a known fact, it is the unfolding of the case that remains a matter of interest to the nation. ALTBalaji's The Verdict will have a whole host of theatre veterans playing pivotal roles. Stay tuned for more information on that!
Tuesday, November 20, 2018 12:17 IST