Talented actress Kangana Ranaut, who is gearing up for her next magnum opus Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi usually refrains her private life, especially on the social media. She is a private person and doesn't like to shed her linen in public.
However, it has come as a shocker for the actress when on Monday morning she saw many eminent people from the film fraternity and media started following a fake account in her name on Twitter generated by a random person.
Now Kangana's team has issued a statement where it has been clarified that the actress has not joined social media site Twitter and her only official handle on Twitter is @KanganaFanClub which is managed by her digital team. On Instagram, her official handle is @team_kangana_ranaut. which again is managed by her digital team.
Wednesday, December 05, 2018 13:39 IST