The much-anticipated Amazon Prime Original Series, 'Mirzapur', starring Pankaj Tripathi, Ali Fazal and Vikrant Massey is now streaming on the service and has already become the talk of the town owing to its brilliant star-cast and dialogues! Director, Gurmmeet Singh and the showrunner, Karan Anshuman and Puneet Krishna have put their heart and soul into creating this masterpiece. Other than an intriguing narrative and excellent star-cast, the series unveils trivia that you wouldn't have known otherwise!
1. Pankaj Tripathi came up with an interesting phrase for Mirzapur - "Tum Vishuddh Ch** ho''. He formulated this phrase on his own. The word Vishuddh means pure and ch**ya means nonsense, and together the phrase means 'he is a pure nonsense person'.
2. Akhanda's house was shot in 'Moti Jheel Haveli' in Varanasi - The production designers took 10 days to restore the dilapidated exterior of the haveli and bring in the architectural heritage. At the same time, care was taken to preserve the original murals painted on the walls of the haveli.
3. Bablu's black diary - The black dairy that Bablu carries everywhere has a 'T' embossed on it, which stands for Tripathi. It was customized by the production design team post the creative discussions on the project.
4. To our surprise, the 'compounder' character played by the actor Abhishek Banerjee, also happens to be the casting director of the series.
5. Fake Opium was created by the production team - The team made two types of fake opium. The first type was made by melting the mixture of various kinds of dark chocolate and milk. It was later cooled and cut into small pieces. The second type of opium was made of dark clay and was used as a prop in the scenes involving the making and transportation of opium.
Trivia is powered by X-Ray, Prime Video's unique bonus content feature. For more exclusive show information, videos, and photos, click on the X-Ray `All` logo in the corner of your screen while watching Mirzapur, only on Amazon Prime Video.
Friday, December 07, 2018 14:01 IST