After his spectacular performance in his last release `Haseena Parkar` opposite Shraddha Kapoor, Ankur Bhatia was waiting for the right script to come his way. He wanted to do a film with substance and a good story. The actor says that the character he plays in any movie matters a lot as he wants to do good work. Looks like the wait is over as he is gearing up for his next movie `Ishq Fitoori`
The film which tells the story of two friends with different personalities will talk about how they overcome the problems they face and their inhibitions.
The movie has a stellar star cast which includes Vikrant Massey and Sunny Singh. It is directed by Amit Joshi and produced by Ronnie Screwvala. The cast will be shooting at four different locations.
Ankur was also seen in movies like `Sarbjit` and `Zanjeer`
Saturday, December 08, 2018 12:56 IST