Sara Ali Khan, who has made her debut in Bollywood with Kedarnath, has been constantly making headlines with her excellent sartorial choices, mostly ethnic wear. It won't be wrong to say that she looks radiant and manages to pull of traditional looks quite flawlessly.
Throughout the promotional activities, we witnessed Sara wearing ethnic wear and slaying in it like a pro. She absolutely takes on the ethnic wear.
Just like Sara carries her ethnic looks with Grace, the actress rocks the western attire with panache. During the Simmba trailer launch, Sara impressed with donned a pair of holographic, flared-legged pants.
Recently, at the 'Kapil Sharma Show' Sara was seen promoting her debut film. During the reality show promotion, she sported the short dress look extremely well. She added the spunk with angry-bird stilettos which are looking cool on her.
From ethnic wear to western wear this diva has proved that she can pull off any look easily and look every bit beautiful.
The young actress has created an exceptional uproar with her refined performance and is currently being showered with love and appreciation from all quarters and now eyes are stuck on Sara Ali Khan's upcoming next Simmba that releases later this month.
Saturday, December 08, 2018 13:06 IST