Sony music India artist Raja Kumari has added another feather to her cap by rapping for the gorgeous Katrina Kaif in Husn Parcham, from the much awaited Shah Rukh Khan film Zero. The song has been composed by Ajay-Atul and crooned by Bhoomi Trivedi and Raja Kumari, has Katrina Kaif`s Babita Kumari flaunting her glamorous avatar!
Says Raja Kumari, `Shah Rukh actually called me and it was one of the craziest moment of my life. He told me he was a fan of my music and wanted to work with me on his next film! SRK himself co-wrote the lyrics with me and Katrina Kaif absolutely killed her performance. This is what my Bollywood dreams are made of!"
Thursday, December 13, 2018 14:01 IST