Bollywood's young actress Disha Patani revealed her favourite film to be the iconic Raj Kapoor starrer classic 'Mera Naam Joker'. Interestingly, while Disha is currently shooting for her next portrays her in the role of a trapeze artist, her favourite film is based on the backdrop of a circus.
Disha Patani is a fanatic film lover and loves watching films across varied genres, however, the actress' favourite film is the Raj Kapoor starrer 'Mera Naam Joker'. Closer to her favourite film, Disha plays a trapeze artist set in a circus.
The actress who recently wrapped the shoot for her upcoming next Bharat essays the role of a trapeze artist in the film. Based against the backdrop of a circus in the early 60s and 70s, Disha is seen doing some daredevil stunts in the film.
Disha Patani was, therefore, rehearsing for stunts involving fire for a few months. One of the fittest actresses in Bollywood, Disha perfectly fits the bill to play a trapeze artist for the Ali Abbas Zafar directorial.
Apart from impressing the audience with her mesmerizing looks and stunning dancing skills, Disha Patani has wooed the audience with her washboard abs and perfect figure time and again.
The actress often shares insights into her tough workout routines through social media proving to be an inspiration to her fans and followers.
Disha Patani is amongst one of the most rapidly growingly celebrities on Instagram and enjoys the fanbase of millions. Also, the actress has tasted success in both her ventures MS Dhoni: The Untold Story and Baaghi 2. While one would assume her luck to be favouring her, the actress believes luck doesn't come along unless you put in hard work.
Thursday, December 20, 2018 13:32 IST