Bollywood star Ajay Devgan stole the limelight in Karachi where he arrived on Saturday evening to attend the screening of his recent film "Omkara" at the ongoing 'Kara Film
As soon as the microphone was handed in their hands, two twin girls greeted him with: "Hiiii Ajayyyy???We love youuuu...We've dressed only for youuuu...," reported the
Daily Times.
"We want to sing a song for you," the twins announced, and the Indian super star soon responded: "Please go ahead."
Another audience member stood up and said: "We all miss Kajol" (Ajay's wife). She added that the movie (Om Kara) was great, but complained that the dialect was too
difficult to understand.
At this film's director Bharadwaj replied: "This dialect has been used because of the movie's background. It comes from that part of India, which is shown in the movie. This
dialect has never been used before and I needed it to add realism in the picture. I am trying to be honest with the era I have set the movie in. And yes, this is also an old
Omkara, the film is based on Shakespeare's drama 'Othello, also did a brisk business in India.
To a question, Ajay replied that he had no favourite scenes in the film. "It is up to you, I think, to decide which the best scene is," he said. "I simply try to feel everything (my
Tuesday, December 19, 2006 12:51 IST