Recently, Shraddha Kapoor has flown down to Hyderabad to shoot her action sequence for her next big budget film Saaho where she'll be seen opposite Prabhas. This time Shraddha has a travel companion along with her. It's a choreographer who is traveling with her on the Saaho shoot in Hyderabad.
The newly announced dance film where Shraddha has reunited with the ABCD team which was a hit on the box office. Ever since the Busy Bee Shraddha Kapoor stepped into Remo Dsouza's dance film she has started prepping for it from day one. To keep the preparation on, Shraddha has taken a dancer along with her so that she can practice before the shoot and after the pack-up of Saaho's shoot.
We have seen Shraddha spilling the magic of her dance moves on screen several times, 'Sun Saathiya', 'Cham Cham', 'High Rated Gabru' are chartbusters given by her where audiences have loved her dancing avatar and to keep the bar high Shraddha is working so hard for her dance film.
Actress Shraddha Kapoor has started the year with the back-to-back shooting schedule especially with the variety of films that are keeping her busy. Shraddha has a jammed-packed schedule coming up, as she's shooting for three different films where she's juggling with different locations.
The actress is running a hectic schedule as she is not only shooting for her upcoming films but also for brand shoots for which Shraddha is constantly traveling between Mumbai and Hyderabad where she is shooting for the action film Saaho.
Recently, Shraddha Kapoor has finished shooting for the first schedule of Chhichhore and now has headed to Hyderabad to shoot her next action sequel for Saaho.
On the work front, after the success of Stree Shraddha will be seen essaying varied characters in her upcoming films Saaho, Chhicchore, and Saina next installment of ABCD which are set to be released in 2019.
Friday, January 11, 2019 17:29 IST