The recently released trailer of Sonchiriya has been generating immense buzz for the raw and rustic looks set in the rooted villages of central India. In order to make every look of the character realistic, the entire starcast of the film has completed the shoot with only one outfit respectively. On top of that, all the outfits were not sent to the laundry to keep the continuity and authenticity intact.
As the film progressed, the outfit kept getting dirtier and dirtier but the Sonchiriya team was very keen on using the same outfit, giving it a realistic feel. In the film it will give you the realistic feel and all the actors of Sonchiriya left no stones unturned to ace their characters.
The story of Sonchiriya is set in the 1970s showcasing a small town ruled and dominated by dacoits. Multiple gangs fight over the struggle to attain power. The cast dons fierce avatars in sync with the theme of the film.
Starring Sushant Singh Rajput, Bhumi Pednekar, Manoj Bajpayee, Ranvir Shorey, and Ashutosh Rana in lead roles, Sonchiriya presents tale set in the era of dacoits.
Sonchiriya promises to be a power packed action film giving a glimpse of the glorious years if dacoits in central India.
Shot in the valleys of Madhya Pradesh, Sonchiriya presents an ensemble cast with an intriguing storyline.
Directed by Abhishek Chaubey who has earlier presented 'Udta Punjab' and 'Ishiqiya', 'Sonchiriya' presents a rooted tale set in Chambal.
Producer Ronnie Screwvala who has not only presented blockbusters but also award-winning films is all set to present 'Sonchiriya'. The movie is slated to release on 8th February 2019.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019 13:56 IST