Bollywood actress Shilpa Shetty, after returning from her first visit to Pakistan, said in Mumbai that Karachi
was like a home for her, and that the Pakistani city was much similar to Mumbai.
She said that she did not find any Indo-Pak hostility during her two-day stay in Karachi.
Shilpa participated in a fashion show in Karachi along with Urmila Matondkar last weekend.
"I must tell you Karachi felt like home. It's so much like Mumbai. And the people were outstanding in their
hospitality. We keep hearing about the hostility between the two countries. But I certainly didn't see any of
it during my visit. Everyone in Pakistan was full of warmth," The News quoted her as saying.
She added: "I was in Karachi with Urmila Matondkar. We were there on Sunday for a very exclusive fashion
show attended by who's who of the city. The proceeds were all used for a teachers' fund."
Though Urmila had visited Pakistan several times, this was Shilpa's first visit. "Not counting a brief evening
at Lahore some years ago when Akshay Kumar and I had performed. It was the first performance by
Bollywood stars. And now this fashion show was also a first."
Incidentally, the Karachi's Kara film festival was also on when Shilpa visited. "But, I couldn't attend. I heard
Bhatt Saab was looking for me. Tanuja Chandra and I traveled back from Karachi together," she added.
Wednesday, December 20, 2006 12:46 IST