Bollywood actor Rohit Pathak who has worked in critically acclaimed films like Raja Natwarlal, Micky Virus, Jannat 2, and Jal, He has made a stunning debut in Tamil with director H Vinoth's Theeran Adhigaaram Ondru. His portrayal as one of the villains of the movie was menacing and had an impact to the story. After the grand success of Tamil Block Buster Hit "THEERAN" Rohit Pathak became popular all over south for his character BANNE SINGH. He has received a phenomenal response from the critics as well as the entire Tamil Industry for one of the lead negative role he played in the film which is based on True Story. After working with the Biggest production house "DREAM WORRIERS PICTURES" who are also famous for Gajni and Singham series. Rohit Pathak has started the shooting of his next Bollywood project "Jaan Abhi Baki Hai" is being produced by IJM Productions Pvt Ltd. Film is written by Dr. Indrajeet Mishra, a President Award winner and a renowned Theater Writer from Uttar Pradesh along with Satyajeet himself. Director Satyajeet believes that content of this film will thrill people and it will provide full entertainment. The soulful music is a strong aspect of this project which gets the magical touch of famous choreographer Vishnu Deva. The shooting of movie is going on at beautiful locations of Uttrakhand, India.
Rohit Pathak Said, "Working with Satyajeet Mishra is one of the most amazing experiences. While working with him I noticed that he is very passionate about his work and very clear on his vision. He knew exactly what he wants from the actor which makes our work more easy and interesting. We are shooting at very beautiful location of Uttrakhand. I love the place and enjoying the weather of Uttrakhand".
Tuesday, January 22, 2019 13:10 IST