Hailing from Bareilly, Disha is enjoying massive social media stardom even in the short span of time since her big screen debut. A schoolgirl of 9th std, hailing from the same town as Disha has written her heartfelt letters expressing her admiration for the actress.
Owing to the actress' immense popularity amongst fans, Disha keeps receiving gifts and letters of fans from across the country. Disha's attention got drew to this particular postcard which arrived from her own town. The fan is a young schoolgirl who has in detail has written about how she adores Disha and is super inspired by her success in such a small time. How Disha has been a catalyst in proving that talent and hard work can lead to your success in life
Disha felt too emotional and overwhelmed after going through the letters. Disha couldn't hold back her emotions after reading such a heartfelt letter. She felt the fan's gesture was very very sweet and overwhelming as something like this coming from the town she grew up is the most satisfying feeling ever
The actress has been setting the temperatures soaring on social media by posting her pictures and sending the fans into a frenzy.
Disha often treats her fans with a testimony of her flexibility through her bodacious dance moves and intense action stunts.
Disha will be seen showcasing some high-octane action moves in Bharat. The actress, who will be seen playing the role of a trapeze artist in Abbas Zafar's directorial.
After the back to back success of M.S. Dhoni and Baaghi 2, which raked more than 100 crores at the box office, Disha Patani will be seen next in Bharat along with Salman Khan.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019 13:51 IST