Tushar Pandey, the newbie in town is all set for his upcoming project 'Hum Chaar' under the prestigious banner of Rajshri Productions. The production house has been a pioneer in bringing fresh faces into the showbiz, and the actor seems overwhelmed to be a part of Rajshri family.
Elaborating his excitement, the actor said, `To be part of this legacy is a dream come true. I've grown watching Rajshri films and was on cloud nine when this opportunity was offered to me. Each day on the set has been a living dream and it still makes me emotional. Working for them has been an amazing experience and would like to do many more projects with them.''
His past projects, in a nutshell, have been films like Pink, Beyond Blue, etc., which were of different genres. With Hum Chaar, the actor is sure to add a feather to his acting career.
Friday, February 01, 2019 14:13 IST