Filmmaker-music composer Vishal Bharadwaj recently received the Best Music Director award for the Malayalam film Carbon by cultural affairs minister AK Balan at the 49th Kerala State Film Awards. The film has been directed by Venu and stars Fahad Fazil and Mamta Mohandas.
Talking about the challenges of making music for a Malayalam film, Bharadwaj says that language has never really been an issue for him. `There are language barriers but I have worked on a Malayalam film before too. That was also Venu's film called Daya. That was 20 years back. I understand the meaning of every line and then I compose. However, in this film, all the songs were written on the tune. So, this time the barrier was not there as I was understanding the lyrics from the poets. Music has its own language. It doesn't need any other language,` he says.
Venu, too, was glad to have Bharadwaj on board. `Vishal Bharadwaj's music was a very important element in my film Carbon, and I am so happy he won the Kerala state award for the best music direction. Actually, his work made a lot of difference to my film. I am so thankful to him for really helping me out in various situations as friend, as a director and as so many things. I am really happy that he won this important award,` he says.
Bharadwaj has also composed Bollywood tracks such as Oh Saathi Re and Beedi Jalayile in Omkara, Ibn-E-Batuta in Ishqiya and Go Charlie Go in Kaminey in the past.
Friday, March 01, 2019 14:12 IST