Actor Akshay Kumar has lent his voice to a few lines for a song in his upcoming film Kesari. The film directed by Anurag Singh is based on the 1897 Battle of Saragarhi, where 21 Sikh soldiers fought against 10,000 Afghans. Ajj Singh Garjega is an inspiring and patriotic number. The song is penned by Kunwar Juneja, composed by Chirrantan Bhatt and rendered by Jazzy B, is all set to release today.
A source says, `Akshay was extremely moved by the powerful lyrics of the track. Along with the sequence, it also stirred sentiments of nationalism that the characters feel in the movie.` The insider adds, `Akshay was charged up with the composition and the visuals. It was apparent that his voice would enhance the emotions of the character.`
Kesari, presented by Zee Studios in association with Dharma Productions, Cape Of Good Films and Azure Entertainment and produced by Dharma Productions, releases on March 21.
Wednesday, March 06, 2019 13:32 IST