Ranveer Singh has many firsts to his credit in Hindi cinema. His natural born flamboyance, energy and incredible sass is unmatched today, as is his credibility as a brilliant actor-superstar. Keeping with the surprises that he dishes out with each new film performance, Ranveer Singh is now going to bring a bit of his signature style on to a GIF. In association with Giphy.com, Ranveer has created his own unique and exceedingly cool GIFs and stickers. Trendsetter and a youth icon, Ranveer themed GIFs and stickers have gone live today.
Whether it is through his social media accounts or in person, Ranveer engages with people directly with a lot of love and enthusiasm. He constantly engages with his community of over 40 million fans from across the world through his different social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Always an innovator, Ranveer connects with people with new ideas, activities and genuine warmth. No surprises then, that Giphy.com has collaborated with Ranveer, given his global appeal amongst youth and his iconic status amongst audiences. With this innovation, users can share varied emotions and moments of Ranveer Singh across different social media platforms to communicate.
Over the years, Ranveer has steadily built a trusted and positive bond with millions of fans worldwide. That he innovates and brings in freshness with each new movie role, and also puts in committed effort for even his endorsement commercials, sets him apart amongst contemporaries is unmatched today, as is his credibility as a brilliant actor-superstar. Keeping with the surprises that he dishes out with each new film performance, Ranveer Singh is now going to bring a bit of his signature style on to a GIF. In association with Giphy.com, Ranveer has created his own unique and exceedingly cool GIFs and stickers. Trendsetter and a youth icon, Ranveer themed GIFs and stickers have gone live today.
Whether it is through his social media accounts or in person, Ranveer engages with people directly with a lot of love and enthusiasm. He constantly engages with his community of over 40 million fans from across the world through his different social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Always an innovator, Ranveer connects with people with new ideas, activities and genuine warmth. No surprises then, that Giphy.com has collaborated with Ranveer, given his global appeal amongst youth and his iconic status amongst audiences. With this innovation, users can share varied emotions and moments of Ranveer Singh across different social media platforms to communicate.
Over the years, Ranveer has steadily built a trusted and positive bond with millions of fans worldwide. That he innovates and brings in freshness with each new movie role, and also puts in committed effort for even his endorsement commercials, sets him apart amongst contemporaries
Monday, March 18, 2019 14:34 IST