Superstar Mahesh Babu`s fans staggered the social media as the teaser of his upcoming film Rishi released yesterday. Within just two days, the teaser of Mahesh Babu`s high packed action drama crossed 15 Million views.
After promising an Ugadi and Gudi Padwa surprise, Mahesh Babu treated his fans with the much awaited teaser of his upcoming next.
Stepping into the shoes of a college student `Rishi`, the actor has charmed the audience with his chocolate boy looks.
Ever since the teaser released, the actor`s look in a checkered suit stepping out of a helicopter in an exquisite location and his powerful dialogue in the custody has left the fans crazy.
Not only this, adding to the excitement, Mahesh Babu will have a dual role in his film mouthing the inimitably impactful dialogues.
Mahesh Babu`s Bharat Ane Nenu witnessed an appalling response as fans reckoned him as the Prime Minister owing to his performance. In Maharshi, the actor will be portraying the role of a high profile successful entrepreneur, a man who never loses.
Maharshi marks the 25th film of the Superstar and is a very close and special project for him. The film is all set to hit the theaters on 9th May, 2019.
Monday, April 08, 2019 14:57 IST