Bollywood heartthrob Hrithik Roshan said movies that flopped early in his career helped ground him and that
it is unhealthy for actors to believe the hype that surrounds them, a newspaper reported Thursday.
"I learned not to take labels like superstar seriously,'' Roshan told the Hindustan Times. "It's very easy to
start believing in the persona that's created for you in the media. Once that happens, you are finished.''
Early movies that didn't pass muster with Roshan's fans taught him not to take success for granted, the
newspaper cited him as saying.
Roshan played a smooth-talking thief in hit movie "Dhoom 2'' that was released last month. He also played
India's first big screen superhero who glides over water and leaps over buildings in "Krrish'' _ a huge hit
across the country.
Thursday, January 04, 2007 15:03 IST