Post announcing Abhishek Bachchan and Nithya Menen's digital screen debut with the second season of Prime Original Series Breathe, Amazon Prime Video today confirmed that actor Saiyami Kher will play a key role in the thrilling second season. Leading actor, Amit Sadh, resumes his award-winning role as Inspector Kabir Sawant in the series. Mayank Sharma returns to the director's chair, after co-writing the second season with Bhavani Iyer, Vikram Tuli and Arshad Syed.
Mayank Sharma, Director, Breathe, said, `After a gripping first season of Breathe, we aim to go beyond and push our own boundaries to deliver a gripping new season. While we believe in the new storyline and direction, we are making sure that each character is represented by the best talent and we are happy to have found Saiyami Kher for a unique and challenging role in Breathe, Season Two.`
Saiyami Kher said, `The first season of Breathe left me spellbound and I was overjoyed when I was offered a part in the second season. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with Abhishek, who is so much fun to be around, and Mayank, who is very clear with what he wants. Breathe Season 2 marks my debut into the digital series world and I could not have asked for a better start than with Amazon Prime Video and Abundantia Entertainment.`
Breathe is a gritty psychological, thriller series that follows the lives of ordinary people faced with extraordinary circumstances. How far will you go to save the life of a loved one? Breathe explores this very question. This emotional and psychological series was recently renewed for a second season. Stay tuned for Breathe, Season Two only on Prime Video!
Friday, April 12, 2019 13:06 IST