Recently Star Plus unveiled the promo of their upcoming show titled Ek Bhram- Sarvagun Sampanna starring Shrenu Parikh as Jahnavi, in a completely unique concept of an antagonist Bahu as opposed to the conventional docile daughter in law.
The show, however, is inspired by a real story of a high profile influential family, which the makers are extremely confidential about.
The creators have been strictly instructed to keep the details of the family under wraps, as the reputed family fears exposing the controversial story.
The makers along with the entire cast and crew have been bound by an NDA which restricts them to divulge any details on the real inspiration.
A source reveals, ``Ever since the promo released , the makers have received [threat] calls from various influential families interrogating if it is based on their lives. Though it is based on one powerful Indian family, the producers are currently unwilling to disclose details to viewers. They have signed a NDA with the cast and crew, who have been told to remain tight-lipped about the offering.`
Apparently the promos of the show Ek Bhram- Sarvagun Sampanna have left the most elite families startled
Ever since the news hit the masses that the show is based on a real family that has a very high social status in India, the makers have been bombarded with queries on the family. In fact, a lot of people have called the makers enquiring if the show traces their story.
While the show puts forth a very unique narrative of an evil daughter in law, who surpasses levels of scrutiny to torture her family members, even the makers did not anticipate that the story bears resemblance to so many influential families.
Recently, the makers launched multiple promos of the show introducing the lead protagonist, Janhvi Mittal played by Shrenu Parikh. The actress has been going through a grueling preparation mentally as well as emotionally, to portray the villainous character.
Friday, April 12, 2019 16:42 IST