Bhushan Kumar's T-Series is opening a division for a non film music segment this year and will be setting up a separate vertical to focus on this segment.
As a part of this new division, Slowly Slowly, the first song which brings together international artist Pitbull and Indian singer Guru Randhawa will be releasing this Friday.
T-Series is targeting to release as many as 50 singles in the independent non-film music space.
Bhushan Kumar, who engineered this idea shares, "We will be largely releasing these singles on our YouTube channel. These will also be accessible on various streaming platforms besides being aired on radio and TV channels. We will also target the overseas markets".
T-Series' official YouTube channel is the most subscribed and viewed channel globally and was in news in the past few months, for its battle to gain the top spot.
Being the leading music company in the business, T-Series has carved a place for itself with films, songs as well as albums. Founded on March 13, 2006. It has 29 sub-channels, features songs and film trailers.
T-Series is associated with the music industry since the past three decades, having an exhaustive catalog of music across languages and genres.
Friday, April 19, 2019 12:12 IST