Actor Sameer Dattani had a "fulfilling 2006" and is looking forward to his upcoming three films - "Mukhbiir", "Mumbai Marathon" and "Life Mein Kabhi Kabhi".
Vikram Bhatt's "Life Mein..." is about five friends played by Dino Morea, Aftab Shivdasani, Nauheed Cyrusi, newcomer Anjorie Alag and Sameer, and their tryst with life after
"It's a young vibrant film about our quest for happiness and a career. I play Jai Gokhale - a youngster who joins politics in his search for power. The film is about our various
struggles in life and hence everyone will be able to relate to it," says Sameer.
It also traces a young man's relationship with an older woman. "It is not a conventional love story," reveals a reluctant Sameer, who is open to the idea of romancing older
women in real life too.
"Mukhbiir", which means informer, is a spy thriller. It is the story of the espionage meeting the underworld. "Mumbai Marathon" sees him as a marathon runner who loses his
leg to cancer.
"I believe in growing as an actor and so I think it's very important to enjoy one's work," says Sameer who made his debut in "Uff Kya Jadoo Mohabbat Hai" in 2004.
Monday, January 08, 2007 10:57 IST