"The Stranger In Me" - a fiction drama book, based on a unique concept of `Parallel Life`, published by Om Books International, was launched by the very talented, internationally acclaimed and a versatile actor Nawazuddin Siddiqui on 30 April 2019.
The authors have adopted a unique way of marketing the book, by launching an exciting trailer which is as intriguing as the concept of the book.
Watch the trailer here: http://bit.ly/TheStrangerInMe
Says author Neeta Shah: "The trailer traces the life of a person through different choices he makes and how each choice decides the course of his life. Normally trailers are cut for films, but we chose to bring out the key elements of the book through this exciting trailer."
The book has already been featured on Amazon India and ratings and reviews have started pouring in from book lovers.
The book has also been receiving appreciation from people in the Hindi film industry with Nawaazuddin Siddhique, Imtiaz Ali, Prakash Jha, and Salim Sulaiman giving a thumbs up to the book. This is what they said.
"Once you start reading you won`t be able to put the book down till you finish it. The Stranger In Me has special elements. There are a lot of twists in it, the pace of this book is really fast and there is an inner connection between human emotions, there is a possibility that a film could be made on this book." - Nawazuddin Siddiqui
"..yun hota toh kya hota..? What life would be if one had chosen differently is the tantalizingly engaging premise of this novel. It`s a flight of fantasy ala Ghalib, presenting parallel lives in the familiar world of desire." - Imtiaz Ali
"A unique story about the stranger in you!
Intriguingly crafted with unpredictable twists, it keeps the reader hooked on!!"
- Prakash Jha
"A brilliant story about confronting and befriending the stranger in you. Simply Irresistible!"
- Salim Merchant (Salim-Sulaiman)
"This fast-paced narrative is a must-read! Gripping. Exhilarating. Extraordinary."
- Sulaiman Merchant (Salim-Sulaiman)
If the trailer is anything to go by, then the book is going to be a fantastic read as it pens down a stupendous concept of parallel life.
Thursday, May 09, 2019 13:31 IST