With Salman Khan's next film just a month away from its release, he is ensuring he doesn't leave any stone unturned to market the film. And what better platform than world's toughest T20 cricket league. The on-going T-20 format cricket match has glued our audiences to the TV screens, is a perfect platform to reach audiences across the country.
Salman Khan is combining two forces for what is being touted as the biggest film of the year, Bharat's promotions on the cricket league to bring the biggest dose of entertainment for the fans. Head of the finals to be held on May 12, which is in itself celebrated as a festive event in the country, the actor, his co-stars Katrina Kaif and Sunil Grover will be seen promoting their film, Bharat. The show airs on the network at 5.30 PM on Sunday May 12, 2019.
'Bharat' directed by Ali Abbas Zafar will trace the journey of a man spanning six decades, hence, Salman Khan will be seen sporting six varied looks through the years of his life. Earlier, the makers treated the audience with the trailer that gave glimpses into the facades of the film.
Producers of the film unanimously agree, `It is important to be part of all the major shows and events to ensure a wide reach for the film. Bharat being one of the biggest films of this year, promoting our film on India's biggest cricket league is essential.. Salman hopes to get maximum eyeballs with the show.` Watching the two most loved entities on screen together will be an exhilarating experience for the audience.
Directed by Ali Abbas Zafar, 'Bharat' is produced by Atul Agnihotri's Reel Life Production Pvt. Ltd and Bhushan Kumar's T-Series is releasing on Eid, 2019.
Sunday, May 12, 2019 16:07 IST