The story revolves around Abir Basu, the protagonist, played by the popular actor and dancer Shantanu Maheshwari. Born in the family of doctors, he lives under the immense pressure of proving himself worthy in the eyes of his father. His never-ending battle to be the topper of the class leads him to use tricks on Nibedita, his biggest competition.
Speaking about the new web series, youth icon and actor, Shantanu Maheshwari said, `I`m very excited for Medically Yourrs because of the kind of character I will be seen portraying. I`m playing, a naive boy who is dealing with all the changes in his life. I personally never expected a medical student`s life to be so tough and playing this character has actually given me a sneak peek into the actual reality. There are a lot of firsts for me in this web series. I`m very thankful to Ekta Ma`am and the ALTBalaji team for giving me this wonderful opportunity. The story is realistic and our director Abhijeet Das made sure that it stays like that!`
Medically Yourrs concentrates on showcasing the struggles of a medical student. The story also depicts the challenges, the pressures of not just performance, but simply surviving and what it takes to be a doctor. The web-series, slated to stream on ALTBalaji from 27th May is filled with lots of real-life instances of what MBBS students face, fun-filled moments, love and friendship.