The film is written and directed by Jagdeep Sidhu. Produced by Atul Bhalla, Amit Bhalla, Anurag Singh, Aman Gill and Pawan Gill, is slated to release on 21st June 2019
Monday, May 27, 2019 14:31 IST
Actor Diljit Dosanjh is all set to make the audiences laugh with his next Punjabi film 'Shadaa'. The trailer of the film that released a few days ago was appreciated by everyone. The title song of the film came out this morning where Diljit is seen doing some Bhangra moves. The actor who is a huge fan of Punjabi icon Malkit Singh took inspiration from him for the song. Diljit's attire in the song is inspired by Malkit Singh.
The film is written and directed by Jagdeep Sidhu. Produced by Atul Bhalla, Amit Bhalla, Anurag Singh, Aman Gill and Pawan Gill, is slated to release on 21st June 2019
The film is written and directed by Jagdeep Sidhu. Produced by Atul Bhalla, Amit Bhalla, Anurag Singh, Aman Gill and Pawan Gill, is slated to release on 21st June 2019