Amazon Prime Video together with Applause Entertainment unveiled the first look of their latest Amazon Original Series, Mind the Malhotras. Directed by Sahil Sangha and Ajay Bhuyan and produced by Dia Mirza, the series stars Mini Mathurin her digital debut along with Cyrus Sahukarin lead roles.
The poster invites you to take a sneak peek into the everyday lives of a modern, suburban married couple Rishabh and Shefali Malhotra, played by Cyrus Sahukar and Mini Mathur, as they try to work on their marriage and family life.The show features an ensemble cast starring Denzil Smith, Sushmita Mukherjee, Anandita Pagnis, Nikki Sharma, Jason Dsouza and Rahul Verma in key roles.
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Tuesday, May 28, 2019 11:46 IST