After producing films such as The Accidental Prime Minister, Gangs of Wasseypur and Shahid, producer Sunil Bohra has acquired the rights of historian Hindol Sengupta's 'The Modern Monk: What Vivekananda Means To Us Today'. The book is published by Penguin India.The producer will soon be making a film on the same.
Talking about the thought process behind the inception of the project, Sunil says, `India has a great heritage and I want to make films on some of the people like Swami Vivekananda and Sardar Patel who have built this heritage. It's my tribute to our country and Sri Narendra Modi.`
The book has achieved critical acclaim and is touted to be the best explanation of Swami Vivekananada's relevance to our life and times. In fact, Dr Kapil Kapoor, Editor-in-Chief, Encyclopaedia of Hinduism called it `A Must Read`.
Hindol is also looking forward to working with Sunil. `More than perhaps any other person in the last 200 years, Swami Vivekananda spoke most passionately of a vision of a renewed, reinvigorated Indian civilization which serves as a beacon of peace and prosperity to the world. I wrote The Modern Monk to explain in the most contemporary language the importance of Vivekananda's vision for the past, present and future of India and I am delighted to partner with Sunil Bohra, a visionary in the world of cinema, in bringing this story to millions of people,` he says.
The work on the project has begun and the writing is in process.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019 13:41 IST