Actor Pankaj Tripathi clearly enthralled his fans by his performance in the highly acclaimed web series Mirzapur as Kaleen Bhaiya. Well, it's time to get set for yet another gripping performance by the actor, this time as Chuttan Shukla in upcoming political thriller Kissebaaz.
There's a twist! He is not playing politician but a henchman of politicians and somehow manages to be part of both the opposition parties. In the film, Pankaj plays a character who either creates problems or provides solutions. The film is set in Varanasi and revolves around Harsh (played by Rahul Bagga), who gets entangled in difficult situations that have been plotted by a wily narrator.
`Every director loves to work with a great performer. When an actor grabs a character and gets fully involved in the story, it makes it easier for the director to execute his vision. It was good to have all the shortlisted actors on board. Pankaj Tripathi, Rahul Bagga, Anupriya Goenka are brilliant in their performances. Everybody's favourite is Kaleen Bhaiya (Pankaj Tripathi), who will be famous as Chuttan Shukla as well from now on. Pankaj Tripathi is a versatile actor. There are many memories of shooting with him. He is very hard working and is a director's actor. It's just the beginning, I will love to take him on board every time as an actor,` says director Annant Jaaitpaal.
It will be really exciting to see how henchman Chuttan Shukla embroils politicians without their knowledge. Well, all we can say is that be it the antagonist or the protagonist, Pankaj never fails to entertain the audience by his special performance. So Chuttan Shukla will not fail to make people laugh even in such an intense political drama.
Meanwhile, Pankaj, who has been part of films such as Stree, Fukrey Returns, Newton, Bareilly Ki Barfi, Masaan, and Lukka Chuppi, will also be seen as cricket team manager Man Singh in Kabir Khan's sports drama 83 that also stars Ranveer Singh.
KisseBaaz is directed by Annant Jaaitpaal and produced by Sanjay Anand and Divya Anand. Along with Pankaj Tripathi, it also stars Rahul Bagga, Anupriya Goenka, Zakir Hussain and Rajesh Sharma in key roles. The film will hit screens on 14th June 2019.
Friday, May 31, 2019 12:22 IST